I am transitioning the blog slightly for the next few months into what I think are life observations. There is more to life than motions, appeals, trials and orders to show cause. Yes, I just said that.
There is no “tag” to these and once we are back to 10 posts a month on cases, these posts will disappear through attrition and my life lesson posts will also dissolve. I read something today about employees taking notice of how they are treated during this crisis. This has caused me prepare the following missive for you to read.
My thoughts once I saw the handwriting on the wall was nuanced. The first thing I did was tell everyone to work from home if they wanted. The second thing I did was tell people if you are even the slightest bit sick you MUST work from home. After that, my commitment to the extent possible is to try to conserve resources so we do not add to the unemployment pool. Nobody that works here asked for this and I wish not to add to the recession.
The final thing I did was cancel all my business in the sunshine state. If you have seen the photos of people hanging out at beaches, you know Florida is probably a really good place not to be absent a death wish or pulmonary malfunction. I cannot stress this enough – everyone’s safety, health and well being must come first. Work, whether it be a no-fault motion, a personal injury deposition, an FLSA settlement, a medical malpractice motion or whatever is you are doing can and must wait. Yes, I know a delay on the 440 motion will hinder your client’s ability to leave an upstate home, but I think those homes are safer right now than here.
A society is often judged on how it treats its most vulnerable members. And I tend to think, right now, we are all vulnerable. A little decency is not too much to expect. Stay safe.