Thank you for following my blog to my website. This was five years coming to say the least. Most of the functionality of the old blog will be coming to this site.
As to the website and porting this blog, many thanks to my friend and IT guru Lawrence Garnier. We go back from when I was an associate at Serpe, Andree & Kaufman (2003) and he was the computer guy there. 12 years later… (wow) look at where we all are. Neither of us has aged…(that would be a lie).
More content will follow as always. Please give us a few weeks while we tweek the bugs and other infirmities that welcome a new site.
Thank you following this blog since its inception in 2009
2 Responses
can you please please please put up the old defender blog until the new site is done?
I can’t. I am sorry. They took it down. I was told: We can’t have two sites up. We are trying as fast as we can to get this up.