I took this description of me off of Ray Zuppa’s final post on his pit. I am not sure it is true, but I will take it as a compliment. Admittedly, I found the Pit informative, entertaining and educational. Zuppa raised some good points, and his brand of iconoclastic and indecipherable thinking will be missed. Yes, I was a covert Pit reader.
4 Responses
I always try to have fun with you J.T. Yes it was a compliment. Your proposed CLE presentation was only two hours long yet it yielded 30 CLE Credits. You do you well for your clients if you have a good relationship with the Judiciary.
“his brand of inconoclastic and indecipherable thinking will be missed” — now that made my day — that’s funny.
Like i said, the Pit will be missed. Thanks for the kind words.
My presentation sucked in comparison.
But everybody likes you Dave.